This out-of-state 51-year-old female was referred by her Plastic Surgeon to Dr. Agha for Body Sculpting Surgery. The patient had already undergone an abdominoplasty and breast reduction procedure by her Plastic Surgeon a year earlier. On examination, the patient had a high tummy tuck scar with lack of definition. Her waist was full and her body contour lacked curvature. Her upper back was loose with multiple back rolls. Her buttocks had always been small and flat. Patient was also unhappy with lack of cleavage between her breasts. She underwent a full 360-degree body sculpting that included liposuction, buttock lipoaugmentation (Brazilian Butt Lift), Bra-line Upper Body Lift, Revision Tummy Tuck, and Revision Breast Lift. Post-operative pictures at 9 months illustrate the concept of 360 degree sculpting to create an hourglass figure.
Dr. Siamak Agha takes great joy and pride in proving the best results to his patients. He wants them to leave happy and have the body they have always wanted. Dr. Agha truly cares about the well being of his patients and does not want any patient leaving unhappy.

Once you have reviewed the before and after photos related to Tummy Tuck Revision Surgery, you may be interested in viewing the skilled work of Dr. Siamak Agha with Tummy Tuck, Liposuction and Mommy Makeover. By closely examining these before and after photos provided in this gallery, it may ease the consultation process, as you may possibly desire a similar result to a specific surgical case. Please feel free to request a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Siamak Agha at the Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center located in Newport Beach, Orange County. Dr. Agha and his experience staff are dedicated to providing the results you are looking to receive. Dr. Agha will listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have; he wants you to feel comfortable and be prepared for your surgery.