Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach

Chisel Your Chest to

Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach
Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach
Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach
Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach
Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach
Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach
Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach

It’s common knowledge that women have always valued their appearance. But contrary to popular belief, men also value how they look just as much as women do.

While women want to have softer curves, men generally want more prominent and defined muscles. In fact, having sculpted chest muscles is a sign of strength and masculinity.

But for a lot of men, their pectoral muscles may not be as well-defined or enhanced as they want them to be. They may also appear underdeveloped or asymmetrical due to genetics, birth malformations, or accidents.

If you want to have more masculine-looking pecs, you may want to consider getting pectoral implants through male chest enhancement surgery.

What are Male Pectoral Implants?

Male pectoral implants are the quickest way to improve the appearance of your chest area. The past few years saw a rise in the male chest enhancement surgery because of these implants and how they can give new contours to a man’s chest muscles.

Getting male chest implants can lift, increase the size, and define a man’s chest area.

Typically made of a solid silicone gel substance, male pectoral implants look and feel like your natural pecs. Because these implants are soft and flexible, they are easy to customize to your specific chest shape, giving your chest an excellently-contoured appearance.

Do You Need to Get Male Pectoral Implants?

Getting male pectoral implants as a cosmetic procedure originally started with bodybuilders wanting to enhance their athletic and muscular look.

But as more men desired to achieve augmented and defined chest muscles, male chest enhancement surgery has become a sought-after procedure.

Male pectoral implants are great for:

  • Men who are self-conscious or frustrated with the look of their pectoral muscles and overall chest contour
  • Athletic men who want to enhance and improve upon the work they’ve done in the gym
  • Men with underdeveloped pectoral muscles
  • Men with chest asymmetries and deformities stemming from birth or an accident

You’re strongly discouraged from getting male pectoral implants if you’re having a hard time maintaining a stable weight because drastic weight gain or weight loss can affect the outcome of your results.

What are the Different Types of Male Pec Implants Used by Dr. Agha?

Depending on Dr. Agha’s assessment and the results you want to see, you may be advised to get any of the following male pectoral implants:

PowerFlex Pectoral

is an oblong-shaped implant that gives definition to your pecs.

PowerFlex II Pectoral

may be used horizontally or vertically.

PowerFlex Plus Pectoral

The more enhanced version of PowerFlex and PowerFlex II Pectorals, this implant covers the entire area from your collarbone up to the lower end of your pecs.

Novack Pectoral Implant

Made of soft solid elastomer, Novack Pectoral Implant is designed for long-term use. This may also be carved to fit the needs of the patient.

PowerFlex Pectoral Novack Style 2 (Textured)

Designed to give you square-cut pecs when placed vertically, the PowerFlex Pectoral Novack Style 2 creates a fuller upper and inner chest.

And like all textured implants, it adheres better to your tissues so they don’t move around after the procedure.

PowerFlex Pectoral Aiache Style 4 (Textured)

The PowerFlex Pectoral Aiache Style 4 gives the most augmentation compared to other implants, better emphasizing your chest area.

Male Pectoral Implants Newport Beach

How is Male Chest Enhancement Done?

While there are many pec implant variations that you can choose from, the procedure for male chest enhancement is the same.

Here is what happens:


The type of anesthesia used will depend on Dr. Agha’s assessment of your needs. You may be put under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

To allow you to show off your new pecs right away, Dr. Agha places the incisions where they won’t be noticeable: within the hair-bearing area of your underarm where your incisions can be easily concealed.

He will then create a pocket where your implant will be placed to make sure it stays in place.

Implant Placement

Your implants will be placed under your chest muscles so they would look natural and aesthetically-pleasing.

To further enhance your chest area, Dr. Agha may also perform other procedures such as liposuction or fat transfer.

Closing the Incisions

Once Dr. Agha places the implants and/or performs other procedures you requested, it’s time to close up the incisions.

And to prevent fluid buildup that can increase your swelling, he may place drainage tubes in the chest area. For a few weeks, you’ll need to wear a compression vest to reduce swelling.

Dr. Agha will orient you on what you need to do or avoid to speed up your healing. Make sure to follow them to get the best results from your surgery.

Get Male Chest Enhancement at Newport Beach, Orange County

If you want to improve how your upper body is contoured by getting bigger and more defined pecs, male chest enhancement surgery may be right for you.

Thanks to male pectoral implants, patients who underwent this procedure have permanently enhanced pectoral muscles that they were not able to achieve through exercise, giving them a boost in self-esteem.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Agha and find out how male pectoral implants can give you the chiseled chest you’ve always wanted.