Breast Augmentation Newport Beach

The Ultimate Hack for a Well-Endowed Rack

Breast Augmentation Newport Beach
Breast Augmentation Newport Beach
Breast Augmentation Newport Beach
Breast Augmentation Newport Beach
Breast Augmentation Newport Beach
Breast Augmentation Newport Beach

Whether you’re rocking an itty-bitty bikini or just a simple tee, feeling happy with your chest size and shape can make a huge difference in your overall confidence. That’s why breast augmentation — or a “boob job” — is one of the most popular procedures in the world.

Although women’s breasts come in various shapes and sizes, studies show that people’s notion of an ideal breast is one with a 45:55 ratio — 45% of fullness above the nipple line and 55% of fullness below the nipple line, with a slight teardrop shape.

Breast Augmentation Newport Beach

If you want to achieve the “perfect” breast, a breast augmentation at The Aesthetic Centers offers you a unique opportunity to customize the shape of your breasts and recreate your desired feminine curvature.

With a simple procedure performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Siamak Agha, you can wear an outfit that reveals more cleavage, change your wardrobe style altogether, and simply create the proper balance between your breasts and hips.

Interested in getting one? Learn more about Newport Beach breast augmentation as you read the rest of this page.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Also known as breast enhancement or augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation has one main goal: to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts using breast implants.

By doing so, you get the opportunity to customize your breast size, put the curves in the right places, and achieve a more feminine body.

Breast augmentation is actually one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries of all time, with over 300,000 procedures performed in the United States in 2018 alone. That’s 4% higher than its 2017 numbers.

The number of procedures also continues to increase every year since 2006, with the majority of women opting for silicone implants (88%) over saline implants (12%).

What Determines Breast Size and Shape?

The size of your breast is determined by the amount of breast gland and fat that it contains. That is why weight loss can cause your breasts to deflate, with the skin around your breast tissue losing elasticity, thus causing sagging.

The breast shape is also variable and determined by many factors including genetics, aging, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy. These factors predetermine the volume of the breast fat and glandular tissue, as well as connective tissue.

In the last 15 years, the average bust size has increased from 34B to 36C in the USA. Whether this increase is due to breast augmentation surgeries or related to higher body weights is not known.

The cup size is a measure of the volume of the breast, and is denoted by the first letters of the alphabet.

  • A cup – about 8 ounces (238 milliliters)
  • B cup – about 13 ounces (385 milliliters)
  • C cup – about 21 ounces (621 milliliters)
  • D cup – about 27 ounces (800 milliliters)

Breasts are usually asymmetrical, meaning a woman’s breast may be a different size or shape than her other breast. Generally, a woman’s left breast is usually a little larger than her right breast.

Nipples can be large or small. They can stick out or be inverted. Inverted nipples are not a problem unless they cause difficulty during nursing. All of these are perfectly normal.

Getting breast augmentation can restore volume and increase the size of your breasts after weight loss, aging, and pregnancy, enabling you to achieve a more filled-in breast shape.

Do You Need Breast Augmentation?

To know if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation, try to answer the following questions below:

  • Do you want to flaunt bigger breasts?
  • Do you feel like your small breasts aren’t proportional to the rest of your body?
  • Do you want to make your breasts more symmetrical?
  • Do you desire to feel more feminine and attractive?
  • Do you want to restore lost breast volume after weight loss, breastfeeding, or pregnancy?
  • Do you have any congenital breast deformity that you want to be corrected?
  • Do you want to experience a boost of confidence in your body image?
Answered YES to any of these questions? It might be time to schedule a call with Dr. Agha to discuss how you can solve these problems with a myriad of breast augmentation options.

… But Can You Get Breast Augmentation?

Wanting to get breast augmentation is one thing; knowing if you are fit to get one is another.

Here are some factors that may affect your breast augmentation results:

Though adult women of any age can benefit from breast augmentation, it is recommended that your breasts should be fully developed before you get any breast implants. In the US, silicone breast implants are restricted for women aged 22 and older, while saline implants can be used for as young as 18 years old.

Breast augmentation isn’t recommended if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is important that you are in good health standing with no underlying heart, lung, and neurological conditions. If you have these, it might make your operation too risky.

Discuss with your plastic surgeon the reasons why you want to get breast augmentation, including the results you’re expecting. You should also familiarize yourself with all aspects of the procedure — including post-operative care — to help you make an informed decision.

Breast Augmentation Newport Beach

What are the Different Types of Breast Implants?

Aside from incision location and implant placement, one of the three main decisions you have to make once you decide to get breast augmentation is the size and type of implant you’re getting.

Used for over 40 years, breast implants come in various types and may be placed through different incisions and locations. The choice of implant type, size, shape, and other features all depend on your breast anatomy, body type, and size goals. These are influenced by your lifestyle, goals, personal preferences, and the sound judgment of your chosen plastic surgeon.

Dr. Agha will thoroughly discuss your options when considering the location of incisions, size of implants, and the exact placement of implants. Such attention to detail will ensure that you are fully satisfied with the end result.

Check out the different types of breast implants available to you:

Based on Material

Many women consulting with us often want to achieve “natural-looking” breast augmentation results. You have two breast implant options to achieve just that: silicone and saline breast implants.

Both implants have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use during breast augmentation. That means the benefits, features, and safety of these implants have been rigorously researched, tested, and reviewed by an independent panel of physicians.

In fact, breast implants are among the most studied medical devices ever, having gone through decades of research in thousands of women.

FDA-approved companies that offer both silicone and saline breast implants in the US include Allergan and MentorSientra only offers silicone implants. 

Learn more about the three types of implants available in the USA: Allergan ImplantsMentor Implants, and Scientra Implants.

Saline Breast Implants

Popular in the ‘90s and early 2000s, saline implants consist of a silicone rubber shell filled with sterile saline or saltwater solution. It is the very same fluid that makes up the majority of water in your body.

Initially developed as an alternative to silicone gel implants, saline implants pose a number of advantages over silicone implants.

Their biggest advantage is safety, as any leak or rupture is easier and faster to detect. Plus, the saline filling is easily absorbed into the body and is excreted in the urine.

They come in smooth and textured shells, as well as round and teardrop shapes. They are also adjustable, so doctors can fill each implant separately to obtain near-perfect symmetry.

Mentor’s Spectrum® breast implant is an example of an adjustable saline implant that allows modifications to breast volume for up to six months after breast augmentation. It gives you and your surgeon more flexibility and control over the result of your breast augmentation.

Spectrum® has a small, removable fill tube left temporarily attached to the implant after surgery and is accessible to Dr. Agha by injection through the skin.

Through the tube, you can have your breast implant size adjusted until your desired results are achieved. Once you get to your goal size, Dr. Agha removes the fill tube.

All of these can be done within a simple office procedure.

To learn more about Spectrum® and other Mentor implants, click here.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants consist of silicone rubber on the outside and a semi-solid gel of silicone inside. Silicone is a synthetic substance that closely resembles the look and feel of natural breast tissue, making it an obvious choice for breast augmentation implants.

Though popular in the early 1990s, silicone implants were banned in 1992 over concerns that they might cause systemic diseases, like lupus and arthritis.

But the FDA reviewed and conducted safety studies on silicone implants, which demonstrated no difference in the incidence of such illnesses in women with and without them. It led them to conclude that these implants do not cause any kind of disease.

Eventually, the FDA approved the use of silicone implants on November 17, 2006 for cosmetic procedures. Although it is recommended only for women ages 22 and older, younger ones can also use them for reconstructive purposes.

According to most breast augmentation patients, silicone implants feel more realistic than saline implants. They are also more convenient, as they are already pre-filled before surgery.

As a result, silicone implants became the top option for women undergoing breast augmentation.

On the downside, it means they require a slightly larger incision compared to saline implants when inserting them.

You can learn more about Sientra, one of the most popular breast implant manufacturers in the US, by clicking this link.

Based on Projection

Though not usually discussed by patients with their plastic surgeons, breast implant projection or profile is important in determining the degree of forward projection of that implant relative to your size, body type, and chest shape.

In other words, it’s all about choosing implants that look proportional and fit for your body.

Breast Augmentation Newport Beach

You can choose to have a low, moderate, moderate plus, high profile or ultra-high profile.


Low profile implants have the smallest forward projection.

If you have a wide frame, a low or moderate profile can adequately cover the natural diameter of your breast size.


Moderate profile implants are the most commonly used ones. They used to be the standard size of implants before different projection types were introduced.

They provide a moderate degree of projection with a round fullness that still adds plenty of volume to your breasts.

It is best suited for women with a narrow chest, as it makes their chest appear wider.

Moderate Plus

This profile has a projection between a moderate and high profile and a base diameter narrower than a moderate profile. Moderate Plus is perfect for women with a medium chest frame and breast width but desires more projection.


High profile implants have the most amount of projection when compared to their base diameter.

It is suited for women with narrow frames so that they can get the larger breast volume that they desire. Other implants may be too wide and carry the implant too far to the cleavage and underarms.

If you want to have more fullness at the top part of your breasts, then high profile implants are also a good choice.


Both profiles have the narrowest base diameter and offer the maximal projection and fullness to the breasts.

Based on Shape

In general, breast implants either have a round or teardrop shape.


Round implants are the more commonly used breast implant shape. They resemble a compressed sphere and vary in terms of projection.

This type of implant is recommended for women who want to have more lift, cleavage, and fullness in their breasts. Plus, they will not cause a change in appearance if your breasts rotate.

However, some patients may feel that they look too artificial, making them opt for more expensive teardrop implants instead.


Also known as anatomical implants, teardrop implants have sloped contours that are fuller at the bottom than the top, making them better simulate the natural shape of the breasts. Still, the final breast shape depends on the breast and muscle tissue rather than the implant. 

Since they are not round, they must be textured to keep them from turning the wrong way. It is not strong enough to hold against the force of the breast tissue.

Teardrop implants should be placed in exactly the right position, leaving less room for errors. If it moves around, it can cause a very unnatural-looking profile.

Gummy Bear Implants

One new type of silicone breast implant that you can get is the Gummy Bear implant, a gel-based implant with a cohesive gel filling. It has the feel and consistency of a gummy bear when you cut it, hence its moniker.

Compared to both saline and silicone implants, Gummy Bear implants are superior at holding their shape. They were invented to create a long-lasting implant that would retain an attractive and predictable shape. They are also more solid than other silicone models.

The Gummy Bear implant is best for women hoping to achieve natural-looking breasts even without much breast tissue to begin with. It can maintain its shape for multiple years, even longer than other round-type silicone implants. It also does not leak when it ruptures, unlike traditional silicone implants.

They are inserted via the inframammary approach, which means it requires a slightly larger incision. It cannot be inserted through the belly button via transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA), where there are no noticeable scars. That means you will have slightly visible scars.

In the US, Natrelle is the most recognizable line of Gummy Bear implants, manufactured by Allergan. Learn more about Allergan implants here.

Based on Texture

In terms of texture, you can select between a smooth surface or a rough, textured surface.


The majority of implants today have a smooth texture, especially the ones inserted directly under your chest muscle.

Smooth implants settle into the breast more quickly and easily compared to textured implants. Because of their smooth surface, they are less likely to show wrinkling.


Textured implants were originally introduced in silicone implants to reduce the incidence of capsular contracture — the tightening and squeezing of a shell of scar tissue that forms around the breast implant surface.

Such a thing is effective when the implants are placed beneath the breast gland and over the chest wall muscle. However, it does not have a clear advantage when placed beneath the chest wall muscle.

Moreover, textured implants have a slightly thicker and stiffer shell compared to smooth implants, making them more visible through the skin and more easily felt when the breast is touched.

How Should You Choose Your Implant Size?

When selecting breast implants, getting the size right is easily the most important factor you should consider.

Dr. Agha takes several approaches to help you come up with a decision based on your anatomy, personal preferences, and appearance goals.

Click here to know more about how you should choose your proper implant size.

How Does Dr. Agha Do Breast Augmentation?

With breast augmentation as one of the most common procedures performed by Dr. Agha, he has developed a systematic approach to optimize your satisfaction and reduce the need for revisions after your initial surgery.

Read on to learn about Dr. Agha’s breast augmentation process.


Before your surgery, Dr. Agha will conduct a thorough preoperative evaluation of your condition and get accurate preoperative measurements to determine the right implant size.

He will also thoroughly discuss your options when it comes to the incision location, implant size, and implant placement. The emphasis is on achieving a natural feel and appearance so that you end up fully satisfied with your results.


For breast augmentation, you will be put under general anesthesia by a board-certified anesthesiologist.


You have the following options when it comes to incisions, and your choice depends on your desires and unique anatomy.


An inframammary incision is made at the base of the breast, just over the breast crease. It has the most direct access to the submuscular and subglandular plane, so it is easy to insert the implants this way.

Because it is far from your nipples and areolar complex, it is less likely to dissect the milk ducts around the nipples.


This incision is made around the lower edge of the areola, which is the dark area surrounding the nipple. The use of this incision depends on the size of your areola.

In general, inserting a silicone gel implant through periareolar incision requires a cut measuring 4-5 cm. A slightly smaller incision may be needed for saline implants.

Since it is placed at the border of the pigmented and non-pigmented skin, the resulting scar is not obvious and is nicely camouflaged. But women with areolae who cannot accommodate the incision would be better off exploring other incision options, like inframammary and transaxillary.

On the downside, the periareolar incision is associated with a slightly higher rate of capsular contracture compared to an inframammary incision.


The transaxillary incision is created near the armpit where the arm meets the chest area. It involves a 4-5 cm incision in the natural skin crease in the underarm area, through which a submuscular pocket will be created for implant placement.

Though it avoids placing a scar on your breast, the transaxillary incision leaves a noticeable scar in your underarm area.


You may also have your implants inserted through the navel using a transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA).

In this method, the implant is introduced through a tunnel under your abdominal skin, created between your navel and breast. That said, it is only applicable for saline implants.

You can get a more in-depth look at TUBA here.


Transabdominal breast augmentation (TABA) is a method used for those who want to get a breast augmentation and tummy tuck at the same time.

In this method, you will have no breast incisions because the implants are inserted through the tummy tuck incision.

Implant Insertion

Once Dr. Agha has performed the incisions, the next thing to do is to insert the implants. 

There are two main methods of implant placement: submuscular and subglandular.


In a submuscular or “under the muscle” breast implant placement, your plastic surgeon positions the implant just under your chest or pectoral muscles.

Doing so prevents interference with future mammograms. It also makes for a more natural breast appearance and a reduced rate of developing capsular contracture.

The only problem is that you might experience more discomfort right after surgery, thus leading to longer recovery time.


Also known as a submammary or “over the muscle” implant placement, the subglandular implant placement positions the implant in front of the chest or pectoral muscles and directly beneath the breast glands and tissue.

It also helps reduce post-operative pain and soreness, as the implants do not stretch out the chest muscles.

However, implants placed using this method might show more. It can also make mammogram readings less accurate, and even make you more at risk for capsular contracture.


After placing the implants, Dr. Agha closes the incisions using traditional or absorbable sutures. Your breasts will be wrapped and supported with a gauze bandage.

You will also be fitted with a special surgical bra to support your breasts for the first few weeks. Some surgeons recommend using compression bandages instead.

Following the breast augmentation, especially with transaxillary and TUBA procedures, the implants will often appear too high on the chest. This will gradually settle into place over a few weeks to several months, as the intact supporting muscle fascia (muscle envelope) and the overlying breast skin stretch to accommodate the implants.

Breast augmentation can be performed as an outpatient procedure in an ambulatory surgical facility or in-office surgical suite.

Why Choose Dr. Agha for Your Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Agha believes that understanding the breast anatomy and the changes that occur through aging, pregnancy, and weight loss are fundamental for achieving fuller, symmetrical, well-shaped, and properly positioned breasts.

Thus, he developed a systematic approach to optimize your satisfaction and reduce the need for revisionary procedures following breast augmentation.

His approach includes a thorough preoperative evaluation, accurate preoperative measurements and sizing, an emphasis on achieving a natural feel and appearance, and prevention of complications like implant migration and capsular contracture.

How Do You Recover from a Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation recovery varies from patient to patient.

Day of Surgery: Upon waking up, you will be in the recovery room wearing a soft surgical bra or sports bra. Since it is an outpatient procedure, you can go home within an hour or two in the recovery room with the help of a friend or family member as driving is not yet allowed.

Pain Killers: Expect pain, discomfort, and soreness for the first few weeks after surgery, especially in the first 24 hours. However, Dr. Agha will prescribe you pain medications to manage any discomfort.

Sleeping: It is recommended to sleep on your back during the first week of your recovery to ensure that your breast implants are in a perfect position during the healing process.

You may hear and feel a sloshing in your breasts after surgery. It results from trapped air in the space around the implant and the natural fluid that accumulates after the operation. You have nothing to worry about this though as this will be absorbed by your body in a few weeks.

Showering: You may start showering on your fifth day post-op. You may also remove your dressing, sponges, and gauze pads. After showering, simply pat your incisions dry and replace your surgical or sports bra. You may also opt not to wear a bra at all.

Massaging – Remember to avoid wearing an underwire bra, as this may prevent your breasts from assuming their natural shape. Dr. Agha also advises doing breast massages during the first week to reduce the risk for capsular contracture.

Activities: Avoid any activities that might raise your blood pressure a week after your breast augmentation. You should also avoid any exercises that directly stress your operative site for about four weeks. Walking is an excellent form of exercise, especially during the first week. During the second week, cardiovascular activities, such as riding a stationary bicycle or brisk walking, can be initiated. Running at this point may be premature. Avoid exercises which directly stress the area of your surgery for a full four weeks. Avoid heavy lifting, contact sports, and jogging for up to six weeks. Six weeks after surgery, you will be nearing your pre-operative level. Avoid stressing the surgical area has to maximize healing and minimize scarring. During the early phase of healing, you must avoid irritation around the operative site, as this can worsen swelling and fluid accumulation. This could cause the development of a seroma (fluid collection) or cause problems with the wound (dehiscence or opening of the suture line, or widening of the scar).

Work: You should be able to return to work within a few days, depending on the level of activity required.

Sensation: You may experience a burning sensation in your nipples for up to two weeks. You might also notice swelling on your breasts for a few weeks, with your skin looking particularly shiny. Keep in mind that it is possible for your two breasts to heal differently. One may swell more, one may feel more uncomfortable, or their shapes may vary initially. This won’t be the case once you heal completely.

Scarring: As for scarring, expect your scars to be firm and pink for up to six weeks. It might take up to nine months before your scars lighten in color and become as flat as the rest of your skin. To ensure good scar healing, wear sunscreen with at least SPF 15 when outside.

Mammogram: Routine mammograms should be continued after breast augmentation for women who are in the appropriate age group, although the mammography technician should use a special technique to assure that you get a reliable reading.

Follow-ups: Regular check-ups protect against complications.

Emergencies: Some discomfort is expected following your surgery. However, be sure to tell us if:

  • There is an increase in swelling, pain, redness, drainage, or bleeding in the surgical area.
  • You develop fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or a general ill feeling.
  • If you experience shortness of breath, chest pains, or unusual heartbeats, seek medical attention immediately. Should any of these complications occur, you may require hospitalization and additional treatment.

Check out this estimated timeline of your breast augmentation recovery:

5-10 daysShowering allowed
Follow-up consultation with Dr. Agha
7-10 daysDriving allowed
1-2 weeksReturn to work
Removal of sutures
2 weeksLow impact cardio exercises allowed
3-5 weeksSwelling subsides
May resume chest exercises
6 weeksStrenuous exercises allowed

What Results Can You Expect from Breast Augmentation?

Getting breast augmentation gives you the following results:

  • Increased breast size and volume
  • Symmetrical breasts
  • Restored breast fullness and perkiness lost due to pregnancy or aging
  • Better filled-out clothes
  • Increase in confidence and self-esteem

But keep in mind that breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. Future surgery may be needed to replace one or both implants.

You should also schedule routine mammograms to monitor your breast implants.

What are the Potential Risks and Complications?

Although breast augmentation is relatively safe and breast implants have extensively been studied, the procedure still poses some risks like any other surgery. Some patients may even need to undergo additional surgery due to complications.

Discover the possible risks and complications of breast procedures in this article.

How Much Does a Newport Beach Breast Augmentation Cost?

On average, breast augmentation costs between $6,000 and $7,000 according to RealSelf data.

The total cost depends on a number of factors, such as the type of implants, location, anesthesia, and expertise of your plastic surgeon. You also need to take into account the medical tests, laboratory workups, and recovery costs.

If you are going to pair breast augmentation with other procedures like a breast lift, you also need to factor that into your costs.

Though breast augmentation is not typically covered by insurance, Dr. Agha offers financing plans to help curb the cost of your surgery.

Get Your Breast Augmentation Done in Orange County and Los Angeles

Having larger and more attractive breasts isn’t reserved for a select few bikini-clad women lounging at the beach. It does not even need to be a distant dream.

By enlisting the help of a board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Agha, you can enjoy the perks of having bigger breasts using a safe surgery that produces long-lasting result