This 42 year old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha at Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center in Orange County for tummy tuck surgery.
Requested Procedures: The patient desired correction of her abdominal contour. The patient was unhappy with all the stretch marks on her abdomen and wished to have as much of her abdominal skin removed as possible. She also wished to have a flatter and smoother abdomen.
On Physical Examination: On examination by Dr. Agha, the patient was found to have many stretch marks over her upper and lower abdomen and even waist. She was also found to have fullness of her waist and a moderate degree of abdominal skin and tissue excess. Patient’s mons (pubic area) was also moderately sagging.
Surgery: The patient underwent a high-definition tummy tuck, liposuction of her waist, and monsplasty in 3 hours.
Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos: Her tummy tuck post-operative pictures were taken at 7 months after her surgery.

Results: As can be seen from the before and after photos, the patient’s abdominal contour is corrected through the tummy tuck procedure. Much of the stretch marks from the navel all the way to the pubic region were removed by the tummy tuck surgery. Liposuction of her sides improved her waist concavity as well as her over all abdominal shape. Patient’s tummy tuck incision is placed low and can be easily covered in a bikini as seen in these photos. Patient’s abdomen has a nice contoured and defined look.
To learn more about tummy tuck options please visit our web chapter about various tummy tuck procedure.
FAQ about tummy tuck procedure:
Am I a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck?
The ideal candidate is an adult who is at a stable weight, is in good health and has realistic expectations of the outcome. You should have a degree of excess skin and fatty tissue in the abdominal region. Most commonly tummy tucks are performed on those who have undergone massive weight loss and post-partum women or women who have had multiple pregnancies. Women with plans to become pregnant should postpone a tummy tuck until after their pregnancy, and should not consider tummy tuck surgery until at least six months after delivering their last child.
How much does a Tummy Tuck cost?
The cost of a tummy tuck can vary widely depending upon your plastic surgeon, location, desired results, as well as many other factors. In the US, the average cost of a tummy tuck can range from $5,000 to $15,000 depending on a variety of factors which may, or may not, pertain to your specific case. The price of a tummy tuck procedure includes more than just the fee for the surgeon’s expertise. It may also include surgical facility costs (operating room, recovery room, etc.), anesthesia fees, prescriptions for medication following the procedure, post-surgery garments, and medical tests. When choosing a plastic surgeon, the surgeon’s experience and your comfort level is just as important as the final cost of the surgery.