Extended Tummy Tuck, Monsplasty, Liposuction, and Breast Lift in Newport Beach, Orange County
Newport Beach Breast and Body Contouring
This 45 years old patient was referred to Dr. Siamak Agha after losing 120 pounds of weight through gastric bypass surgery for plastic surgery after weight loss. The patient was specifically interested in tummy tuck and breast lift surgery without breast implants.
On examination, the patient was found to have significant laxity and excess tissue of her abdomen, waists, and pubic area (mons). The patient also had significant deflation and sagging of her of her breasts with enlarged nipple areolae. The patient did not wish to have a lower body lift.
Procedure: Based on her desires, the patient underwent an extended abdominoplasty, monsplasty, liposuction, and a dermal bra suspension mastopexy (breast Lift). Patient recovered well from her desired surgeries.
Before and after photos of extended tummy tuck, monsplasty, liposuction, and breast lift. Her post-operative pictures were taken at about 6 months after her breast and body contouring surgeries.

Learn more about tummy tuck, breast enhancement, and body contouring by Dr. Agha in Newport Beach. In addition to performing about 40- 50 tummy tuck surgeries per year, Dr. Agha also performs liposuction virtually on every body contouring patient. This patient also had a dermal bra suspension mastopexy. This is a super-specialized breast lift procedure that was pioneered and published by Drs. Agha and Rubin in 2005. Since the procedure is rather complex, only a handful number of plastic surgeons perform this surgery in the country. Dermal-bra suspension mastopexy is the most superior breast lift technique and produces a much more lasting lift than the standard breast lift technique.