This 42 year-old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha at Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center of Newport Beach. The patient was unhappy with her breast size, tummy contour, lack of an hour-glass figure, back rolls, as well as buttock flatness.
The patient’s examination by Dr. Agha revealed breast sagging and deflation, abdominal wall laxity and excess tissue, fullness of her love-handles, upper and lower back fatty rolls, as well as a boxy-shaped and flat buttocks. Dr. Agha suggested a high-definition tummy truck, breast augmentation and lift, liposuction, and a Brazilian butt lift to the patient to get ideal enhancement. The patient however desired fat transfer to her breast with no breast lift. She also only requested for a very modest buttock fat transfer to enhance buttock roundness rather than buttock size.
During her surgery, Dr. Agha performed liposuction of her upper back, lower back, and love-handles, small buttock fat transfer, breast fat transfer, as well as a high-definition tummy tuck. Patient’s surgery took about 5 hours. Patient’s post-operative pictures are taken at 6months after her mommy makeover procedures.