This 36 year old woman presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a Breast Augmentation procedure. The patient was a small B cup size and wished to be a large C. Upon examination, Dr. Agha determined that the patient’s breasts were slightly asymmetrical, with the right breast being slightly larger than the left. The patient’s breasts also sagged slightly due to normal aging, creating tear drop shaped breasts. The patient desired more lifted and rounded breasts that would still look natural. During her consultation, the patient tried on different implant sizes and decided to go with a 325 cc silicone implant on the right side and a 350 cc implant on the left.
To give the patient her desired breast size, Dr. Agha performed a Breast Augmentation through inframammary crease incisions in a submuscular pocket. A biplanar approach was performed in order to correct for the patient’s minor sagging.
After the patient’s procedure, her breasts were her desired size and they were also much more lifted. However, they still looked completely natural and blended seamlessly into his body. The patient’s Breast Augmentation before and after photos were taken 5 months after her procedure.