Brazilian Butt Lift
Before and after pictures of liposuction and buttocks fat transfer: Patient 30
This 44 year old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha at Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center in Orange County for a Brazilian butt lift.
Requested Procedures: The patient desired overall fullness and moderate augmentation of her buttocks. The patient also desired liposuction of her upper and lower back, as well as her abdomen, flanks, and inner thighs.
On Physical Examination: On examination by Dr. Agha, the patient was found to have flatness of her buttocks with lack of projection. The buttocks shape was boxy rather than round. There was a significant amount of lower back fat that obscured the upper border of the buttocks. Patient has a moderate amount of fatty excess of her lower back, upper back, sacrum, upper and lower abdomen, love-handles, and inner thighs.
Surgery: The patient underwent the following procedures in 3 and half hours.
Liposuction of abdomen
Liposuction of flanks and love handles
Liposuction of lower back
Liposuction of upper back
Liposuction of sacrum
Liposuction of inner thighs

Buttocks fat transfer- The liposuctioned fat from these various areas is then processed and all the tumescent fluid was removed. It is Dr. Agha’s practice to wash the fat clean from all the added medications. The liposuctioned fat is then processed and placed in small 20 cc syringes. The fat is then used for micrografting into the buttocks. During this maneuver, small droplets of the liposuctioned fat is added throughout the buttocks while the buttocks shape is being sculpted. About 600 cc of liposuctioned and processed fat was added per each buttocks cheek.
Buttocks fat transfer Before and After Photos: Her Brazilian butt lift post-operative pictures were taken at 7 months after her surgery.
Results: As can be seen from the before and after photos, liposuction of the patient’s abdomen resulted in a more contoured and flatter abdomen. In addition, liposuction of the love-handles and the flanks, created a more hour-glass look as well as changing the boxy-shape of the buttocks. Liposuction of the upper and lower back reduced the fullness of these 2 regions. Liposuction of the lower back creates lordosis (which is concavity of the lower back) and demarcates the lower back from the upper buttocks. The process of liposuction is extremely important in removing the fatty tissue that surrounds the buttocks. The buttocks fat transfer then created a perkier and rounder buttocks with enhanced projection and shape.
Learn more about buttock enhancement and body contouring by Dr. Agha in Newport Beach. In addition to performing about 30- 40 Brazilian butt lift surgeries per year, Dr. Agha also performs another 40 buttock enhancement procedures, including actual buttock lift, buttock reduction, buttock augmentation with lower back fat and fat transfer, and buttock augmentation with implants. These procedures are often more complex and challenging than a pure Brazilian butt lift. Contact his practice today at 949-644-2442 to learn about all of your procedure options. Please take your time to look at our extensive buttock lift and buttock fat transfer galleries.ake your time to look at our extensive buttock lift and buttock fat transfer galleries.