3 Common Misconceptions About Breast Reconstruction That Should Be Cleared Up

Breast mastectomy after cancer treatment leaves women with a harrowing reminder of the pain of cancer treatment.
While many women see the resulting battle scars as proofs of their strength and resilience, others just feel that something’s missing. They just want to leave the past behind and move on with their life as usual.
Either way, you’re a fantastic heroine for winning your battle against breast cancer.
But if you want to get rid of any reminder of your experience to truly recover from it, breast reconstruction surgery is always an option. This procedure can help you go back to life without your mastectomy scars staring at you in the mirror every time.
Your best bet is to have an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Siamak Agha handle your procedure to achieve the best results.
Still haven’t decided if it’s right for you? Misconceptions surrounding breast reconstruction may be affecting your decision.
In this post, we’ll clear up three common misconceptions to help you make an informed decision.
Myth #1: Breast reconstruction is the same as a boob job.
Boob job is the umbrella term for various surgical procedures used to enhance the breasts’ appearance. This includes operations like breast augmentation and breast lift.
But it’s important to remember that these procedures are purely cosmetic, whereas breast reconstruction surgery is more than that. It’s reconstructing the breast tissue lost after mastectomy.
In doing so, your plastic surgeon is also rebuilding your sense of self by removing the trauma associated with mastectomy and allowing you to move forward after breast cancer treatment.
Myth #2: You can only use breast implants for breast reconstruction.
Implants can be used for breast reconstruction. But more often than not, patients use their own tissue through the flap procedure.
This gives patients a more natural look because their chest changes with their bodyーgetting bigger or smaller with weight gain or loss.
During the flap procedure, your plastic surgeon uses tissue from other parts of your body, most commonly your abdominal tissue. But depending on his assessment of tissue availability, he can also take tissues from other areas, like the thighs or buttocks.
From the transferred tissue, he will create a mound to look like your natural breasts.
Unfortunately, you can’t get this procedure if you smoke, have unmanaged diabetes, or suffering from connective tissue disorders and blood circulation issues.
In this case, breast implants are the next best thing. You’ll recover more quickly from implants, but the results aren’t at par with the flap procedure.
As you age or experience weight fluctuations, your breasts will look the same. This can create a disparity between your breasts’ appearance and the rest of your body.
Even after your recovery, there’s still a chance that the implant will burst or leak. In this case, you need to have it removed or replaced.
To improve your satisfaction with the outcome of your breast reconstruction, discuss your options with Dr. Agha. He can suggest which option would work best for you.
Myth #3: You need to get breast reconstruction after your mastectomy ASAP.
If you think you’re bound by a specific time frame to reconstruct your breasts, you’re definitely not.
Breast reconstruction is a highly personal decision. There are a lot of post-mastectomy women who don’t undergo the procedure for their own reasons.
Like them, you also have the choice of whether or not to get it. And you don’t have to decide right away.
For example, you may not want to undergo further complicated surgery like the flap procedure immediately after your mastectomy. You can get breast implants for now so you’d recover quicker and still have flap surgery later on.
Don’t feel pressured to have breast reconstruction surgery. If you want to focus on healing, know that your insurance will likely cover the procedure no matter when you get it.
Get Your Breast Reconstruction Surgery at Los Angeles and Orange County
Breast reconstruction is a fantastic way to get your life back to normal after undergoing a mastectomy.
If you decide that this procedure is right for you, the best results can be achieved in the hands of a top-notch and highly qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Siamak Agha. With his experience, he can recommend the right approach based on his assessment of your situation.
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Agha to see how breast reconstruction surgery can bring back your pre-mastectomy figure.